IELTS Writing: Advantages & Disadvantages essay

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IELTS Writing: Advantages & Disadvantages essay
IELTS Writing: Advantages & Disadvantages essay

1. Tổng quan dạng Advantages & Disadvantages essay

1.1. Phương thức nhận biết

Với dạng bài Advantages – Disadvantages đề bài sẽ đưa ra một vấn đề hoặc ý kiến và yêu cầu bạn phải chỉ ra những nhược điểm cũng như ưu điểm của nó.

Thông thường dạng bài Advantages – Disadvantages được chia làm 2 loại:

Loại 1: Chỉ liệt kê ra các ưu điểm và nhược điểm

Ví dụ: The internet has made knowledge immediately available to people through computers and smartphones all around the world. Much of this knowledge is also free. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

Loại 2: Người viết cần chỉ ra liệu ưu điểm có lấn át được nhược điểm hay không

Ví dụ: Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

-> Chúng ta có thể thấy về căn bản thì 2 dạng bài này đều đòi hỏi người viết viết về ưu và nhược điểm của vấn đề, tuy nhiên với loại 2 thì cần phải khẳng định rõ trong bài viết của mình cái nào chiếm ưu thế hơn từ mở bài cho đến khi kết bài.

1.2. Bố cục bài Advantages – Disadvantages essay

Bố cục của một bài viết dạng Advantages – Disadvantages bao gồm 3 phần chính:

Không có Outweigh

1Introduction: 1 đoạn
2Body: 2 đoạnBody 1: AdvantageBody 2: Disadvantage
3Conclusion: 1 đoạn

Có Outweigh

1Introduction: 1 đoạn
2Body: 2 đoạn
Body 1: Cái nào chiếm ưu thế ít
Body 2: Cái chiếm ưu thế nhiều hơn
3Conclusion: 1 đoạn

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1.3. Template gợi ý cho dạng bài Advantage- Disadvantage

Template gợi ý cho dạng bài Advantage- Disadvantage
Template gợi ý cho dạng bài Advantage- Disadvantage

Không có Outweigh

This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this trend
This trend would create certain benefits but there will also be some drawbacks
Body #1
Topic sentenceOn the one hand, there are several reasons why N is beneficial
Advantage #1Firstly, ….
Advantage #2Secondly, …
Body #2
Topic sentenceOn the other hand, there are a number of disadvantages of ……that people should take into consideration
Disadvantage #1The principal one is that ….
Disadvantage #2In addition, ….
In conclusion, … could bring about certain benefits, but its negative consequences should not be overlooked

Có Outweigh

Advantage > disadvantage
In my opinion, the benefits of ….outweigh its drawbacks
Advantage < disadvantage
While this development may bring about some benefits, I would argue they are eclipsed the drawbacks.
Advantage > Disadvantage
Topic sentence
Body 1On the one hand, …..offers people several benefits
Body 2On the other hand, I am of the opinion that the aforementioned advantages are at the expense of greater drawbacks.
Advantage < Disadvantage
Topic sentence
Body 1When S + V, several problems can be anticipated.
Body 2In spite of the drawbacks mentioned above, I believe that ………. is a positive measure/ trend/ development
Advantage > disadvantage
In conclusion, while………may have some positive aspects, I believe they are outweighed by the more significant negative aspects.
Advantage < disadvantage
In conclusion, it seems to me that the disadvantages of ……… are more considerable than its advantages.

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2. Bài mẫu

Bài mẫu
Bài mẫu

2.1. Bài mẫu 1

Topic: Many foods are shipped from far away. Some people think that eating local foods is more environmentally and economically. Do you think the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?

The shipping of a wide range of foods from other cities or countries may have an adverse impact on locally produced food in this modern world of aggressive competition. However, the latter, in my own eyes, obviously offers more merits than demerits.

On the face of it, the consumption of local food might be said to have certain drawbacks. One of them is the lack of diversity or exotic taste. Without access to strange food from far away, people in Vietnam today, for instance, would feel fed up with a limited number of food choices or would never have a chance to try, and probably enjoy, the taste of a similar type of food which is actually imported from other countries, such as Kobe beef from Japan.

However, compared with food transported from other regions, eating food produced locally is significantly more beneficial in economic, environmental, and educational terms. From an economic point of view, local food does not involve excessive transportation leading to higher and higher costs, especially with increasing fuel prices taken into account. This is also associated with less damaging effects on the environment related to the shipping of food products by plane from abroad. In terms of education, consuming local food helps nurture patriotism among young generations, orienting them towards preserving and developing the sense of using indigenous products. In today’s world of globalization, the effort to consume local food is thus playing an indispensable role in maintaining the identity of each and every local culture.

In a word, the downside of eating locally produced food is outweighed by its upside. This is, in actual fact, true from economic, environmental, and educational viewpoints.

2.2. Bài mẫu 2

Topic: Computers are becoming an essential part of education. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

Information technology is becoming a ubiquitous part of learning. This essay will show that this is a welcome development and can enhance educational practice. It will first suggest that the instant availability of huge amounts of information is the primary advantage, followed by a discussion of how it can sometimes lead to plagiarism.
The main benefit computers bring to learners is easy access to vast amounts resources. Learners were once limited to the books they had and the knowledge of their teacher, now they can learn about anything they choose at the touch of a button. Google is a prime example, because it allows people to easily search for whatever they are looking for quickly and accurately.

One possible drawback is that using the internet to complete academic work can sometimes lead to pupils copying articles from the internet. As a result, students do not have to think about their tasks and learn very little. The Sunday Times recently reported that 72% of college graduates in the UK admitted to copying and pasting Wikipedia articles at least once.

Overall, it is a very positive development because most students will take advantage of the power of the information superhighway to enhance their studies, rather than using it to cheat. For example, in 2005 Cambridge University found that students who regularly used a computer were 26% more likely to get a first-class degree than those who did not.

In conclusion, the web has provided a gateway to knowledge unlike anything seen before and although it can sometimes lead to a few taking the easy route and plagiarising, it is a very positive step in the evolution of education.

Trên đây là bài viết IELTS Writing: Advantages & Disadvantages essay. Hy vọng bài viết này sẽ giúp các bạn nắm chắc và đặc điểm cao trong phần thi IELTS Writing nếu gặp dạng bài trên.


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